캐나다 서버 잡 필수 자격증 1.Serving It Right (Final exam 문제 및 정답 공유)
캐나다에서 학생으로 지내거나 워크퍼밋이 있다면 대개 생활비를 마련하기 위해 파트타임 잡을 구해서 일을 하게 돼죠. 학생 비자(스터디 퍼밋)의 경우에도 주당 20시간 내에 일을 할 수 있고,
지난 포스팅의 Serving It Right과 더불어
캐나다, 그 중에서도 BC주에서 일을 하기 위해 꼭 필요한 필수 자격증
그 두번째는 Food Safe라는 거에요.
유학이든 워킹홀리데이든 와서 파트타임 일을 하려고 하면
아무래도 무난하게 구할 수 있는 일이라는게 대부분 레스토랑이나 카페, 펍 등에서
서버 잡일 경우가 많다보니 꼭 필요한 자격증인거죠.
특히 오늘 얘기하는 이 Food Safe는 한국으로 치면 일종의 보건증으로,
주류 판매를 하지 않는 업종의 식당이나 프렌차이즈 카페 등에서 일하려고 해도
기본적으로 꼭 요구하는 자격증이거든요.
이 자격증의 경우 한 곳에서만 운영하는 것이 아니라서
구글에서 검색해보면 여러 링크가 나오는데요,
가격 비교해보고 원하는 곳에서 진행하시면 돼요.
원래는 무조건 오프라인 수업 후 바로 시험보는 형태였는데,
코로나 이후 온라인 수업 및 감독관 두고 시험보는 방법도 가능해서
해외에서 취득할 수도 있으니 캐나다 가기 전에 한국에서 편하게 만들어 가셔도 좋아요.
이렇게 영어 외에 다양한 언어로도 지원을 하기 때문에 훨씬 편해요.
간단하게 스탭을 설명하자면,
1. 온라인으로 결재 후 학습 진행
2. 시험 일정 및 감독관 (Invigilator) 선정
3. 감독관 승인
4. 시험 날 감독관과 만나서 시험 응시
5. 합격하면 끝!!
언제나 그렇듯이 잊을만하면 배송이 돼요.ㅎ
짜안~ 이렇게 명함 사이즈와 A4용지 사이즈의 자격증이 배송되었네요.
시험 날짜로부터 5년짜리 자격증이에요.
물론 pdf 버젼도 미리 다운받을 수 있고 이걸로 제출도 가능해요.
별거 아니지만 감독관 선정부터 이게 뭔가 싶고 참 난감한데요.
감독관 리스트에서 선택해도 되지만, 내 지인을 감독관으로 신청할수도 있어요.
특히, 캐나다가 아닌 해외에서 진행한다면 주변 지인에게 부탁해서
감독관으로 신청해서 진행하는게 여러모로 편하겠죠?
프로모션 기간이나 업체에 따라 비용이 다르지만 보통 $100 정도 하더라고요.
정말 비싸니까 꼭 필요하시다고 판단 되시면 실수없이 잘 준비하셔서 취득하세요!
[컨텐츠 공유]
시험 문제는 100% 학습 컨텐츠로부터 나오기 때문에
아래 퀴즈 내용만 잘 숙지 또는 검색 찬스로 이용하시길 바래요!!
Unit 1
Glass shards, tacks, and hair are examples of which contaminants?
physical contaminants
Pesticides and cleaning agents are examples of which contaminants?
chemical contaminants
A bottle of bleach has been left on the vegetable prep table. The bottle is leaking and bleach has coated some chopped lettuce. This is an example of which contaminant?
chemical contamination
Most cases of foodborne illness in the food service industry are caused by which contaminant?
biological contaminants
A guest with a severe nut allergy has asked if there are nuts in a stir-fry dish they want to order. You are almost sure there are no nuts in the dish. What is the first thing you should do?
Check with the chef and check the ingredient list.
Unit 2
What microbes can cause illness or death?
What is the temperature range of the DANGER ZONE where bacteria can multiply rapidly?
4ºC (40°F) to 60ºC (140°F)
Raw hamburger that contains E.coli has been prepared on a cutting board. The same board is then used without sanitizing to slice tomatoes for the hamburgers and the E.coli is transferred to the tomatoes. What is this an example of?
What is the name of a bacterium with a protective coating that can survive high temperatures, cold and chemicals?
Which characteristics do foods that contain toxins have?
They may not look, smell or taste different from uncontaminated food.
Unit 3
Which of the following is a step found in a Food Safety Plan?
monitoring critical limits
Why should food handlers follow Food Safety Plans?
to ensure food safety hazards are minimized
What is a Critical Control Point?
The point after which no further action can be taken to eliminate a hazard.
Which best describes a Corrective Action in a Food Safety Plan?
A procedure that should be followed when critical limits are not met
Pre-made sandwiches are displayed in a self-serve cooler. The temperature of the cooler was 3°C at 11:00 am. You checked the cooler again at 12:00 noon and found the temperature had risen to 6°C. What corrective action should you take?
Transfer the sandwiches to a working cooler that is below 4°C.
Unit 4
This unit emphasizes that food handlers are a primary source of food contamination, and that by following proper health and hygiene practices, all food handlers can help to reduce the risk of foodborne illness outbreaks.
· Describe the importance of good health and hygiene habits for food handlers
· Identify the steps in proper hand washing
· Describe the appropriate use of gloves
· List good personal habits that could reduce the risk of foodborne illness
· Explain the importance of not handling food when sick
The following video describes a real case of a foodborne illness outbreak caused by a sick food handler.
Unit 5
When receiving a shipment, the internal temperature of refrigerated food should be at what temperature?
4ºC (40ºF)
Why should food only be accepted from approved sources?
They are subjected to regular inspections.
A food shipment of: a box of frozen chicken breasts, four cartons of milk, a crate of raw carrots, and three bags of flour has just arrived. What should be put away first?
cartons of milk
What does the first in, first out (FIFO) rule mean?
Older stock is used before new stock.
You are receiving a shipment of potentially hazardous refrigerated food. The temperature gauge on the delivery truck is not working. What should you do first?
Check the temperature of the food.
Unit 6
Which is NOT a safe way to thaw frozen food?
at room temperature on an elevated shelf
You have just cut up a raw chicken on a cutting board. You now want to slice cucumbers for a salad. You have thoroughly washed your hands. What must you do next to prevent cross-contamination?
Use a clean, sanitized cutting board and knife.
What is the correct way to check that a meatloaf has reached a high enough internal temperature to kill pathogens?
Insert a probe thermometer into the middle.
To what temperature must food be heated before being transferred into a hot-holding unit?
74ºC (165ºF)
Why is rapid cooling of hot foods important for food safety?
It helps to prevent the growth of pathogens.
Unit 7
What could be the result if service utensils are shared between dishes on a buffet?
People with food allergies could be affected.
Why should cold salad bars be chilled to hold food at or below 4ºC (40ºF)?
Chilling prevents pathogens from multiplying in the food.
How should frequently used ice cream scoops be stored?
in cold running water
What should you do with leftover food from a buffet table?
How should hot food being transported off premises for catering or delivery be handled?
The food should be maintained at or above 60ºC (140ºF).
Unit 8
What is the result of cleaning kitchenware with soap and water and rinsing with clean water?
Only surface dirt and grease will be removed.
What is the result of sanitizing kitchenware with a commercial grade sanitizer?
It will substantially reduce the number of bacteria.
After you clean and sanitize kitchenware, what do you do next?
Air dry on a clean, sloped surface.
Unless otherwise stated in the manufacturer’s instructions, the sanitizing cycle of a high temperature dishwasher must run for at least 10 seconds. What is the minimum temperature required for this cycle?
Which pests leave a sign of brown, oval-shaped casings?
Unit 9
When working in food premises, it is vital to understand the safest way that food 'flows' through the kitchen, service, dishwashing and storage.
Food premises must meet these basic service requirements in order to be able to prepare and serve food safely:
· adequate lighting
· potable water
· adequate hot water supply
· proper waste disposal
· hand washing sinks
· proper dishwashing facilities
· adequate cooler and freezer storage
· grease traps
· proper ventilation
Regular preventative maintenance measures such as checking temperature gauges and cleaning ventilation systems will also help promote a culture of food safety.
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