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DOUX AMI 2023. 3. 2. 23:21


Human beings are believed to have evolved from earlier primates over millions of years through a process of natural selection. The scientific consensus is that humans share a common ancestry with other primates such as chimpanzees and gorillas, and our species, Homo sapiens, emerged in Africa around 300,000 years ago. This theory is supported by a large body of evidence from various fields such as genetics, anthropology, and archaeology.





Humans share a significant portion of our DNA with other primates, such as chimpanzees and gorillas. This indicates a common ancestry.

The study of mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down from mothers to their offspring, shows that all humans have a common maternal ancestor who lived in Africa around 200,000 years ago.




The fossil record shows a gradual transition from earlier primates to the first members of the genus Homo, which includes our species, Homo sapiens.

The study of comparative anatomy shows that humans share many physical traits with other primates, such as opposable thumbs and similar bone structures.




The discovery of ancient stone tools and other artifacts shows the development of technology and culture over time.

The study of early human settlements and migration patterns supports the idea that humans evolved in Africa and gradually spread to other parts of the world.



The evolutionary history of primates stretches back millions of years. According to the current scientific consensus, primates are believed to have evolved from small, tree-dwelling mammals called Plesiadapiforms that lived during the Paleocene epoch, which began around 66 million years ago. Over time, these early primates developed adaptations such as grasping hands and feet, forward-facing eyes, and larger brains, which allowed them to thrive in arboreal environments.


As primates continued to evolve, they diversified into various forms, including the prosimians, such as lemurs and lorises, and the anthropoids, which include monkeys, apes, and humans. The earliest known anthropoid fossils date back around 45 million years ago in the Eocene epoch, and they likely originated in Africa.



Plesiadapiforms are an extinct group of mammals that are believed to have lived during the Paleocene epoch, which began around 66 million years ago. The exact origins of Plesiadapiforms are still uncertain and the subject of ongoing research, but it is thought that they likely evolved from small, insectivorous mammals that lived during the late Cretaceous period, which ended around 66 million years ago.


Plesiadapiforms are considered to be among the earliest primates, although they are not true primates, as they lack some of the key anatomical features that distinguish primates from other mammals. However, they do share some features with later primates, such as grasping hands and feet and some adaptations for life in trees.


The evolutionary history of mammals is complex and still being researched, but the current understanding is that Plesiadapiforms likely evolved from earlier mammal ancestors through a process of natural selection and genetic adaptation over a long period of time.



Based on scientific evidence and theories, the first living creatures on Earth are believed to have emerged around 3.5 to 4 billion years ago in a process called abiogenesis, which involves the formation of self-replicating molecules from non-living matter.


The exact nature of the first living creatures is uncertain and the subject of ongoing research, but it is thought that they were likely simple, single-celled organisms such as bacteria or archaea. These early life forms would have evolved and diversified over time through the process of natural selection, giving rise to the wide range of living organisms we see on Earth today.


It is important to note that while there is a lot of scientific evidence supporting the theory of abiogenesis and the evolution of life on Earth, there is still much we do not know and much more research to be done.


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