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Chat #3. 인공지능이 여자 꼬시는 방법

DOUX AMI 2023. 2. 28. 18:37


  1. Start with a friendly conversation: Approach the girl and start a conversation with her in a friendly and respectful way. Show genuine interest in her thoughts and opinions.
  2. Compliment her: Give her a genuine compliment about something you admire or appreciate about her. Make sure the compliment is sincere and specific.
  3. Listen actively: Pay attention to what she is saying and respond thoughtfully. Show that you are interested in what she has to say by asking follow-up questions and engaging in the conversation.
  4. Use humor: Humor can be a great way to break the ice and show your personality. However, be careful not to make offensive or inappropriate jokes.
  5. Respect her boundaries: If she seems uncomfortable or uninterested, respect her boundaries and back off. Flirting should always be consensual and respectful.


Remember that building a relationship takes time and effort, so be patient and take things one step at a time.




"Hi, I noticed you from across the room and wanted to come over and say hello. My name is [Your Name]. How are you doing today?"

You can also start the conversation by commenting on something you both have in common, such as the event or location you are both at. For example:

"Hey, I see you're also here at the bookstore. Have you read any good books lately? I'm always looking for recommendations."

Starting with a friendly greeting and asking a simple question or making an observation can help you ease into the conversation and show your interest in getting to know her better. Just remember to be respectful, attentive, and considerate of her responses.



"Excuse me, I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I borrow yours?"

This pickup line is a classic and can be used as a playful way to start a conversation. However, keep in mind that not all girls might appreciate this type of humor, so it's important to read her body language and adjust your approach accordingly.

Remember, the goal of flirting is to show your interest in a respectful way, not to make her feel uncomfortable or objectified. So, use humor carefully and make sure you are treating her with the respect and kindness she deserves.


아직 인공지능이 여자 꼬시기는 어려울 듯.






